Did you know that the energy used to produce, deliver and dispose of junk mail produces more greenhouse gas emissions than 2.8 million cars? Well thats a big number folks. You can dramatically reduce your junk mail and offset CO2 emissions through the service of the nonprofit organization
41pounds. 41pounds will contact dozens of direct mail companies to remove your name from their lists – credit card offers, coupon mailers, etc. plus the catalogs you specify. The service costs $41 for everyone in your household for 5 years, thats $8.2 a year and only 2 cents a day, and 41pounds will donate $15 to Carbonfund.org . Using this $15 Carbonfund.org will offset 1 metric ton of CO2 (2204 pounds) — which offsets the burning of 114 gallons of gasoline. We can achieve following at just 2 cents/day. I have already done it and hope that you also think about it.
Time — No credit card offers to shred or unwanted catalogs.
Trees — Keep 100+ million trees in forests, cooling the planet.
Water — Protect 28 billion gallons of clean water.
Climate — Junk mail produces more C02 than 2.8 million cars.
Planet — They donate to your favorite charity when you sign up.
Above information is obtained from
41pounds and