Since long time I have been thinking about how fat gets creates/stored in our body. I found a very good link on how stuff works which explains exactly how does fat gets stored in our body. this is what I found.
Fat is stored in fat cells, muscle cells and liver cells. The propotion is very less in muscle and liver cells.
The number of fat cells in our body remain same, but as we eat more fatty food, their size increase as they accumulate more fat in them. These cell are usually found under out skin.
My thinking was that fat is created from fatty food only. But I found that our body also converts excess glucose into fat. After we eat food it gets digested in stomach and through intestine, fat and glucose enters blood stream.
Fat cell first prefer to absorb fats from blood stream since that is very easy and less energy consuming (well everybody is entitled to their choices and everybody tends to be lazy :) ) work while converting glucose into fats is longer and energy consuming process so that is not preferred.
If you have 100 extra calories in fat (about 11 grams) floating in your bloodstream, fat cells can store it using only 2.5 calories of energy.
On the other hand, if you have 100 extra calories in glucose (about 25 grams) floating in your bloodstream, it takes 23 calories of energy to convert the glucose into fat and then store it. So what this means is that any extra calorie that goes into our body gets converted into fat.
Well to answer the question in title of the post, its clear that we get fat by eating access to what our body needs and that get deposited as FAT, and keeps on accumulating until our pants start to tightening and we get bigger pant size :) Hope thats not the case. Eat limited and healthy.
Hope this information was helpful to you. Don't forget to put your comments on this article and all credit for the information goes to HowStuffWorks link posted below.
All the information is obtained from HowStuffWorks. Visit there for more detailed information.
Update: I also found a very good video on youtube explaining all that I wrote above.